Tim Allott
Tim is a physical geographer based in Derbyshire. He is interested in the way landscapes change, and how we can repair the damage human activities have caused to the natural world. His research has mostly been in lake, stream, wetland, and peatland environments. He also takes landscape photographs and is particularly drawn to imagery which conveys how our landscapes work and change, how they function and the different processes we can see. Once a geographer…
Susi Petherick
Susi is a London based photographer who loves creating images that reflect her feelings and thoughts and evoke an emotional response in the viewer. Covid times have meant a growing appreciation for the ordinary, for nearby overlooked places, for nature. The colours and shapes of plants and trees, their beginnings and endings, the shift of seasons, the play of light - all these have caught her attention and imagination as a photographer. When the world feels overwhelming, the beauty of a small flower makes everything feel possible again.
Valerie Dalling
Valerie is a visual artist and outdoor photographer living in the heart of the Peak District. She enjoys the challenges of making work in this beautiful National Park, very often looking beyond tradition. A very deep and tactile person, she explores textures within the landscape through various experimental processes, mainly working with trees, water and now rocks. Valerie believes in keeping an open mind on how she creates her artwork, which she sees as a continual learning process.
Jan Beesley
Jan is a Sussex based photographer interested in capturing the way she experiences the world around her, both visually and emotionally. She loves trying different ways of expressing herself creatively and enjoys the playfulness of using creative camera techniques such as multiple exposure and camera movement to capture her impressions. Her other passion is for the written word, especially poetry, and she is interested in the interplay between words and image, often writing short poems or haiku to accompany her work.
Andy Holliman
Andy is a London-based digital and analogue photographer; his photography uses Intentional Camera Movement, Multiple Exposure and post-processing techniques to create an impressionistic view of a scene. He is more interested in creating an image of what he sees and feels than a realistic rendering. As well as photography his work is inspired by painting, music, and cinema. He recently published a photo book around Folly Pond - a largely forgotten and over-looked little body of water - "Luminis of Light" (Kozu Books, 2020).
Andrew Atkinson
Andrew is a northeast photographer and printer based in Hartlepool, who tries not to pigeonhole himself to any specific genre of photography. After working for a while in photography retail he completed an OND & HND in Photography. Following this he worked for a few years as a commercial photographer. Andrew refers to his photography as an escape from the pressures of day to day life. He currently runs 1-2-1 workshops on pinhole photography, seascapes photography and long exposure photography.
John Ash
John is an enthusiastic amateur photographer who especially loves landscapes. He self published two books in 2020 - "Shoganai" and "Shinrin-Yoku" which both demonstrate a more project-based emphasis to his work. John hand makes his own photo books.
Paul Gotts
Paul is another enthusiastic amateur. He takes images, makes his own photo books and this will be the third collaborative book that he has been part of.